
Sapper 6 professionals have decades of experience in the Federal and private market sector in:

  • Program/Project Management
  • Proposal/RFP Development
  • Cost Estimating
  • Professional Support Services

Company professionals bring diverse experience and consist of program/project managers, environmental geologists, construction superintendents, business development specialists, nurses/healthcare professionals, and specialty licensed professionals (lead, asbestos, and mold). 

Plan and deliverables are developed to meet our customer’s requirements.  Examples include work plans and scope development, proposal development including strategy development, storyboarding, and writing to prepare responsive, winning proposals (including Multiple Utility Privatization throughout the United States, exceeding $4 billion).

Sapper 6 Program Managers have the experience in consulting and construction for both large and small businesses.  Their experience includes construction of Child Youth Centers; Military Construction Army Reserve Headquarters (a $700 million program); Environmental Compliance at Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico; GSA Environmental Schedule; and the AFCEE Mentor-Protégé Program.

Our project managers are experienced in the demolition of structures; maintenance and repair of facilities (Roosevelt Roads Navy Base, Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico and Fort Belvoir, Virginia); road construction (Camp Shelby, Mississippi); infiltration and inflow study (Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina); storm water pollution prevention plan development and site survey; storm drain repair (Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Georgia); SCIF construction oversight (Fort Meade, Maryland).

We have the experience, qualifications and foresight to enhance the development of your project!